Wassily Kandinsky
Squares with Concentric Circles
Dream, Symptom, Fantasy: a Clinical Cases Seminar in the Aftermath of
Lacan’s Return to Freud
What is a case presentation? How does it differ from the presentation of a session? What is a note, taken in or after a session? What is it to speak to a Control or Supervising analyst about what was said, and what happened in a session? What is it to present the speech of an analysand session by session in control supervision, and to take responsibility for one’s act as an analyst in each session insofar as the analytic act of the Candidate-Analyst or Analyst welcomes the response of the unconscious within the constraints of the transference? What is the effect of the analytic act, and how do we create and sustain the session as a space and time for the work of the unconscious? These questions will inform our work in seminar on the question of the psychoanalytic clinic in the aftermath of Lacan’s return to Freud.
The logic and experience of this seminar proposes and assumes a methodology and a praxis: our reading of Freud focuses on the ways in which Lacan’s writing in the Écrits transmits a savoir that orients clinical practice insofar as it welcomes the dream, symptom and unconscious formations as they break through and from a censored unconscious. In addition, we will consider how advances made by recent approaches to working with dreams in the clinic of psychosis, addiction, and other disorders and discontents of the speaking being shift our understanding and conceptualization of the transference as regards a real at work within the body and psyche of the subject in contemporary clinical practice.
Apollon,W. (2007). “The Dream in the Wake of the Freudian Rupture,” in The Dreams of Interpretation, A Century Down the Royal Road. Eds. Catherine Liu, John Mowitt, Thomas Pepper, and Jakki Spicer. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press (pp. 23-38).
Freud, S. The Interpretations of Dreams, Chapter VII, “The Psychology of the Dream Process,” Volume V, The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud
Freud, S (1917). “The Sense of the Symptom,” Volume XI, The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud.
Lacan, J. (2006). “The Direction of the Treatment and the Principle of its Power,” Écrits, (2006). Trans. Bruce Fink. New York: Norton.
Meyer, C. (2024). “The Wager of Speech, and the Maneuver of the Dream in the Clinic of Psychosis,” forthcoming from Middle Voices, Duquesne University Press.
Faculty: Christopher Meyer, PhD, Analyst of the School
Dates/Times: Second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, October 8, 2024 through June 20, 2025, 7-8:20 pm Pacific Time, with a break following the December 10 class until classes resume January 21, and no class April 8. Classes resume April 22.
Location: Online via Zoom
Contact: Christopher Meyer, PhD, (323) 930-9662, cmeyerwoeswar@gmail.com
Fee: $40.00 per meeting, or LSP Tuition
Christopher Meyer, PhD is an Analyst of the School, Supervising analyst, Faculty of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis, and he is the current Vice President of the Board of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis. He is a member of the Freudian School of Québec and a founding member of the California Psychoanalytic Circle of the Freudian School of Québec. He has a private practice in psychoanalysis and consultation located in Los Angeles, California.