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Zhou Changjiang, Chaos

Reading Lacan reading Freud: Seminars I & II

In this course, we will continue to retrace the signifying chain of Lacan’s early seminar, reading aloud and discussing one lecture therefrom each time we meet. Between sessions, participants will be encouraged to read the texts Lacan cites. By proceeding this way, we will revisit Freud’s writings impacted by the effects of an encounter with the symbolic apparatus of Lacan’s teaching and our own speaking in session. We’ll pick up in Seminar I about 3/4 of the way through, where we left off in June 2024. Previous participation is not a requirement to join!

Freud, S. Selections from The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Ed. J.Strachey. 

Lacan, J. The seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book 1: Freud’s Papers on Technique – 1953-1954, (1998). Trans. J. Forrester. New York: WW Norton & Company.

Lacan, J.  The seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book 2: The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis – 1954-1955, (1991). Trans. S. Tomaselli. New York: WW Norton & Company.

Faculty: Casey Butcher, Candidate Analyst of the School
Dates/Times: Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, September 2024 through May 2025, 5-7pm Pacific Time
Location: Online via Zoom, by invitation
Contact: Casey Butcher at
Fee: $200 or tuition to the school

Casey Butcher is a Spanish-and-English bilingual community organizer and analyst-in-training based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. An alumnus of the Colegio Paulo Freire’s Program in Latin American Social Movements and Community Self-Development in Santiago de Chile and The Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory in New York City, Casey also studied and organized seminars on Modern Western Philosophy and political theory at The Brecht Forum in New York and with the Coordinadora Antirracista La Champurria in Santiago. He earned a BFA from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s experimental film program. His approach to Lacanian psychoanalysis, then, is informed by sustained engagements with Latin American pedagogy, Marxisms, and literary and artistic media and practices. He is a Candidate Analyst of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis.

The Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis

4960 W. Washington Blvd PO Box 78374 Los Angeles, CA 90016

The Lacan School is committed to education and the formation of analysts without regard to age, ancestry, disability, national or ethnic origin, race, religious belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or veteran status.

For all inquiries, please email

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