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Cy Twombly. Untitled

Want to learn more about Freud and Lacan? The following publications and links will take you to individuals and other organizations that work with Freudian and Lacanian or other psychoanalytic material and theory. The links and information below are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by LSP of any of the products, services, or opinions of the organization or individual. LSP bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links; contact the external site or program for answers to questions regarding its content.


by our members



  • Seminars, Reading/Study Groups, Cartels, and Working Days
    The School organizes semester-and year-long seminars and unique events through the year, many of which are open to the public either in-person or online. Public seminars and events can be attended by anyone with an interest in the material; you do not need to be in or considering formation in order to register. Find out more about the events and seminars being offered this year on the Seminars or Other Offerings pages.
  • Psychoanalytic Formation
    LSP offers several tracks for formation open to scholars and clinical and research analysts. Each track has a set of guidelines for one’s formation, though your pathway through any particular track is left open to your own desire. Find more details about the process of formation, becoming a Lacanian analyst or scholar through LSP on this page.
  • About The School
    Learn more about LSP’s Bylaws, Board, Committees, symbolic structure, and how to participate in the logistics and functioning of the School on this page.
  • Members
    Look through all the current clinicians, candidates, and scholars who are current members of LSP. You can learn about each member’s work and find their contact information through this page.
  • Payments
    You can pay for school tuition, an event or seminar, or make a tax-deductible donation to the school on this page. All payments to LSP are currently accepted through this page.
  • Resources
    If you would like to browse LSP members’ recent publications or learn more about Freud or Lacan, take a look at the resources listed on this page.

René Magritte, Golconde

If you have a suggestion of something to be added to this list of resources, please contact the web coordinator Courtney Douds at


The Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis

4960 W. Washington Blvd PO Box 78374 Los Angeles, CA 90016

The Lacan School is committed to education and the formation of analysts without regard to age, ancestry, disability, national or ethnic origin, race, religious belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or veteran status.

For all inquiries, please email

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